General and family dentistry
At the Centre dentaire Taschereau in Brossard, we take your oral health to heart. We offer a wide range of general and family dentistry services to help you maintain a healthy smile.
A global approach focused on prevention
Our general and family dentistry services focus on three areas:
Collaboration : our close-knit team is made up of professionals whose complementary expertise plays crucial roles in maintaining your oral health. We can count on each other's skills, and we pool them to offer you the very best;
Prevention : we believe that regular dental check-ups can prevent many problems and more complex treatments. We believe that personalized support is the best way to prevent the development of disease. It also enables us to identify risky practices and better control their effects.
Complete care for the whole family in Brossard!
If you're looking for a team to take care of your smile and that of your loved ones, don't hesitate to contact us! We'd be delighted to welcome you to our premises, equipped with a wide range of dental technologies. Together, we'll find solutions tailored to your needs and situation!
Prevention is at the heart of dentistry: it's always best to prevent problems from appearing or getting worse. To achieve this, there's no substitute for frequent routine visits, including a preventive examination and professional cleaning.
Cavities are a very common and seemingly benign infection. However, it is essential to treat cavities as soon as possible after they appear. This will prevent the disease from deepening and having irreversible consequences.
Severely damaged or missing teeth can lead to various problems for the rest of the dentition. To alleviate this situation and avoid potential consequences, we offer simple solutions adapted to these cases: crowns and bridges.
The gum is the soft, pink tissue that covers the roots of the teeth. It is vulnerable to the action of bacteria, particularly those found in plaque and tartar. That's why we pay particular attention to the gums during examination and cleaning.
When you practice a high-risk sport (contact or combat sports, acrobatic or mountain sports, etc.), it's important to protect your mouth and teeth to limit the possibility of injury. We offer customized mouthguards for this purpose.