
Thanks to the skills of our dentists at Centre dentaire Taschereau in Brossard, we successfully perform root canal treatments to eradicate dental infections and pain.
Connaître l’anatomie de la dent pour comprendre l’endodontie

To understand endodontics, you need to know anatomy of the tooth

To fully understand endodontics and its object, the pulp, we believe it is useful to detail the anatomy of the tooth. The tooth is made up of three sections or layers, each with its own particularities:

Enamel: this is the outer layer of the tooth, covering the crown to protect it from external aggression. Very hard, it is nevertheless vulnerable to the effects of acidity and therefore prone to erosion

Dentin: the solid part of the tooth beneath the enamel. Yellow in color, it is criss-crossed by thousands of tiny, centrally-communicating holes known as tubules;

The pulp: this is the central layer containing the blood vessels and nerves essential for tooth development and eruption. It extends into the pulp chamber and root canal. Although it is more difficult to access, it is sometimes attacked by bacteria, particularly from decay that has deepened. This leads to severe infection, which must be eradicated to avoid numerous problems.

Endodontics: treating the pulp when necessary

Endodontics is not just about treating the pulp, but the diseased pulp itself. This part of the tooth receives little attention when it's healthy. To protect and preserve it, we need to prevent infection and limit the risk of trauma, whenever possible. That's why it's also important to treat cavities quickly, when they're in their early stages. Otherwise, the bacteria that caused it could infiltrate and attack the pulp, requiring endodontic treatment. This type of situation may also be the result of trauma that has caused tooth breakage or damage to internal structures. In all cases, pulp damage must be taken seriously, and only root canal treatment can save it!

Endodontie : traiter la pulpe quand c’est nécessaire
Centre dentaire Taschereau
Des soins d’endodontie près de chez vous !

Endodontic treatment near you

If you're suffering from a severe infection, your Centre dentaire Taschereau dentist will undoubtedly offer you appropriate endodontic treatment. He or she will be able to save your tooth and preserve the health, vision and function of your smile!  

When a tooth's pulp (its center containing blood vessels and nerves) is attacked by bacteria, its survival is compromised. To enable it to maintain itself and continue to perform its functions, a root canal is required.

Book an appointment

Call us at (450) 912-1688 to schedule your next visit. You can also fill out our online appointment request form. We'll get back to you as soon as possible to offer you a suitable time slot, whether you already have a file with us or are looking for a new clinic!