Dental hygiene: 3 basic tips

Good oral health depends on small daily gestures and good oral hygiene habits. Your Brossard dentist and his team are committed to helping you adopt an effective daily hygiene routine. Here are 3 basic tips we’d like to share with you!

1. Choose a soft-bristled toothbrush

This is the main criterion when it comes to choosing your toothbrush. Make sure it has soft or extra-soft bristles. Why is this important? Because bristles that are too coarse can, over time and through repeated brushing, lead to progressive erosion of enamel. What’s more, the gums can also be attacked by brushing too vigorously or using a toothbrush with bristles that are too hard. This can lead to gingival recession, a problem that should not be overlooked.

In addition, avoid over-aggressive brushing techniques, such as brushing with a brisk back-and-forth side-to-side motion. Instead, adopt a gentle technique, as follows:

  • Position the brush at a 45-degree angle, so that the tips of the bristles are at the base of the teeth;
  • Brush in small, circular, up-and-down strokes;
  • Applying light pressure is enough to dislodge plaque and food residues;
  • Brush all teeth and all surfaces (outer, inner, chewing surfaces).

2. Use fluoride toothpaste

All adults should use fluoride toothpaste! This is an important element, since fluoride helps remineralize tooth enamel. Tooth enamel is the outer layer of the dentition, whose main function is to protect it. However, under the action of acids from the diet and those produced by oral bacteria, enamel is at risk of erosion. By helping to remineralize enamel, fluoride helps to strengthen it. It is an essential element in the prevention of dental caries.

3. Floss every day

Flossing is essential to maintaining good oral hygiene. It reaches the areas between teeth and along the gum line that brushing alone cannot effectively clean, removing plaque and food particles. By preventing plaque build-up, flossing contributes to gum health and reduces tartar build-up. It is therefore an essential habit for controlling the development of a number of pathologies, including gum and periodontal disease.

In addition, regular flossing helps prevent bad breath by eliminating bacteria and food debris that can cause unpleasant odours. It contributes to overall oral health by complementing brushing and regular dental check-ups. What’s more, maintaining good oral hygiene through daily flossing can have positive effects on systemic health. It can potentially reduce the risk of conditions such as heart disease and Alzheimer’s, which are associated with poor oral health.

Remember, the dental team is here to support and guide you on the path to optimal oral hygiene every day. Don’t hesitate to ask us any questions you may have during your next visit to our Brossard dental clinic, so that we can provide you with fully personalized advice tailored to your needs.

Invisalign: what are the advantages of this technique?

Have you ever considered correcting the alignment of your teeth? Beyond the benefits to the appearance of your smile, there are many oral health benefits to orthodontic treatment. What’s more, we now offer modern techniques, such as Invisalign orthodontics, to discreetly correct teeth alignment.

In this article, your Brossard dental team explains the benefits of Invisalign orthodontics for our patients.

How does Invisalign orthodontics work?

Invisalign treatment is a modern orthodontic method used to straighten teeth without the use of traditional metal braces. Instead of metal braces and wires, Invisalign uses a series of custom-made, transparent aligners that are worn over the teeth. These aligners gradually move the teeth into the desired position.

The Invisalign treatment plan is based on digital impressions of the dentition, enabling us to predict the tooth movements that will occur and to design the aligners needed to achieve them. These aligners are manufactured by the Invisalign company and given to the patient. The patient wears them for about two weeks before moving on to the next aligners. Throughout the treatment, regular follow-ups with the dentist in charge enable us to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments.

After 9 to 18 months, depending on the original alignment of the teeth, the result is a straighter smile and healthier teeth! If you’d like to find out more about Invisalign treatment and the orthodontic problems we can treat, visit this page on our website.

What are the concrete benefits?

  • Transparent aligners: this makes Invisalign a very discreet treatment, particularly appreciated by teenagers and adults who are less inclined to wear visible braces.
  • Removable aligners: because the aligners have to be removed for meals, there are no dietary restrictions to contend with. They are also removed as part of the dental hygiene routine at home, so there’s no need to change habits.
  • More comfortable treatment: the aligners are made of smooth plastic. This means they have no metal parts that could injure the inside of the mouth. What’s more, the forces exerted on the teeth are lower than with braces, for example, reducing discomfort during treatment.
  • Reduced treatment time: in many cases, the time needed to achieve optimal alignment is less with the Invisalign technique than with traditional orthodontic treatment.
  • Highly predictable results: the aligners are designed using advanced computer technology to gradually move your teeth into the desired position. This precise planning ensures predictable, effective results.

Because Invisalign aligners are removable and virtually invisible, they have minimal impact on your lifestyle. You can carry on with your daily activities, social interactions and professional commitments, unhindered by your orthodontic treatment. For more information and a treatment plan customized to your needs, request your Invisalign consultation in Brossard by contacting our team.

Missing teeth: why replace them?

You might think that missing teeth would only affect the appearance of your smile. However, it can have significant functional consequences, as well as oral health implications. It’s important to be aware of these consequences. That’s why the team at Centre Dentaire Taschereau in Brossard has prepared this informative article for you. We also take this opportunity to tell you about the options we offer for replacing missing teeth.

What are the most common causes of tooth loss?

Tooth loss is usually the result of an unfortunate accident, an untreated oral problem, or a range of factors, including lifestyle and oral hygiene.

Nevertheless, here are the most common causes of missing teeth:

  • Periodontitis: this is an advanced form of gum disease, also affecting the root support within the jawbone. Bacterial overgrowth can lead to irreversible bone degradation and tooth loss.
  • Untreated decay: untreated decay can deepen and lead to serious complications, including painful infections. These complications can even compromise the viability of the affected tooth and its retention within the dentition.
  • Dental trauma: blows and shocks to the mouth can damage teeth, leading to fractures or even the complete expulsion of a tooth. These traumas can lead to the loss of one or more teeth.

What are the consequences of missing teeth not being replaced?

It’s important to understand that even one missing tooth upsets the balance of the dentition. All teeth are held in place by their neighbors and other teeth on the opposite jaw. When this balance is disrupted by tooth loss, whether single or multiple, a range of consequences can result:

  • Progressive misalignment of the remaining teeth;
  • The appearance of more pronounced spaces between the teeth, likely to accumulate plaque and food residues;
  • Increased risk of cavities and gum problems;
  • Reduced chewing ability;
  • Premature wear of remaining natural teeth;
  • loss of bone volume in the jaw (bone “melts” where there are no tooth roots to stimulate growth).

All these potential consequences, taken together, can seriously damage the health of the remaining natural teeth and gums. What’s more, an incomplete dentition is less able to perform its functions, especially when it comes to eating. And, of course, the greater the number of missing teeth, the greater the impact on quality of life.

What are the solutions for replacing missing teeth?

At the Centre Dentaire Taschereau, we offer a complete denturology service thanks to the presence of our denturologist Hung Hsuan Lin. We have the facilities and technology to carefully assess your needs and design a customized restoration, such as a dental bridge, or a denture (partial or full) specially adapted to your requirements.

We also offer options for dentures and restorations attached to dental implants. These artificial roots, placed within the jawbone during surgery, provide effective, long-term support for replacement teeth.

Our denturologist works closely with our dentist and dental team to propose the best solutions for maintaining your oral health, and a fully functional dentition. If you’re missing teeth and want to regain a healthy, full smile, come and see us at our dental clinic in Brossard!