Implant-supported prostheses

Prothèses sur implants

When it's time to replace a large number of teeth, or even the entire dentition, partial or complete dentures are usually the answer. Although practical and affordable, traditional dentures have certain drawbacks that can be overcome by attaching them to dental implants. The multidisciplinary team at the Centre dentaire Taschereau in Brossard offers you a range of implant-supported denture options!

Prothèses sur implants
Prothèses sur implants : un choix avantageux

Implant-supported prostheses: an advantageous choice

Dentures, imitations of gums and teeth made of acrylic resin, can be removable (traditional dentures) or fixed to implants. In the latter case, they are supported by titanium rods inserted into the jawbone. This gives them a number of advantages:  

  • Bone structure preservation through implant stimulation ;

  • Improved masticatory capacity due to greater prosthesis stability;

  • A more aesthetic result thanks to a better fit;

  • Less risk of irritating rubbing and inelegant snapping.

Options to suit your needs

Partial dentures can be fitted just as easily as full dentures. Partial dentures replace the teeth of a section of the dental arch, while full dentures replace the entire dentition of a jaw. On average, two to four implants are required for partial dentures, and 4 to 10 for full dentures. The quantity varies according to various criteria: the number of teeth to be replaced, their positioning, the jaw to be treated (upper or lower), the physiognomy of the mouth and the type of prosthesis chosen.

Centre dentaire Taschereau
Les types de prothèses complètes sur implants proposées à la clinique

Types of implant-supported full dentures offered at the clinic

Implant-supported removable prostheses: there are two types, bar-supported and with Locator attachments. The first involves the installation of a thin metal bar that follows the natural dental arch. The prosthesis is attached to the bar with clips. The other is secured directly to the gums with special implants fitted with Locator attachments. These options are more affordable than fixed prostheses, but are slightly less robust.

Fixed prosthesis on implants: this is the option that provides the most natural look and feel. Very thin, with rounded edges, it is supported directly by the implants, so it doesn't touch the gums. Unlike other models, only the dentist can remove it for maintenance.

Book an appointment

Call us at (450) 912-1688 to schedule your next visit. You can also fill out our online appointment request form. We'll get back to you as soon as possible to offer you a suitable time slot, whether you already have a file with us or are looking for a new clinic!

    Un encadrement personnalisé pour des prothèses sur implants adaptées !

    En mettant leurs compétences en commun, notre équipe est en mesure de vous offrir des prothèses sur implants entièrement adaptées à vos besoins. On prendra votre situation initiale (nombre de dents à remplacer, physionomie de la bouche) et vos attentes en considération dans le choix du modèle. Pendant le processus d’implantation, nous concevrons et fabriquerons la prothèse que l’on pourra ensuite ajuster et mettre en place !
    Un encadrement personnalisé pour des prothèse sur implants